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  • Writer's pictureAdrian Moreno

How To Write Daily Emails That Turn Subscribers Into Raving Fans And Paying Customers

Updated: May 8, 2023

"I Made A Folder Just So I Can Catch Up On Your Emails Every Week."

If you’re a savvy entrepreneur, then you’re building an email list.

If you’re a savvy and smart entrepreneur, then you’re emailing that list everyday, right?

If you are, I’m about to show you how to do it better. If you’re not, first off build a damn email list.

It’s crucial. If you don’t know why then read this article where I break it down for you.

Hint: If you’re not building a list, you’re losing.

With that said, I believe you’re ready for some email magic that will turn you into the most savage marketer on the block.

The most dangerous marketer. The one who can turn any good product into a cash cow with the power of their words.

All of your fellow marketers, followers, and heck even mentors will wonder how the hell you got so good… and only you will know.

If that’s what you aim to be, if that’s who you know you are down to your bones, a savage marketer who turns water into gold with emails, then let’s get started.

But first, I need to break some silly beliefs of yours.

Daily Emails, Should I, Or Should I Not?

There are a lot of arguments that can go either way.

“If you send emails everyday people will get pissed and unsubscribe.”

“If you send emails everyday you will have more engagement.”

But the reality is simple.

It depends.

First, it depends on the industry you're in and the customers you're working with.

Secondly, and most importantly, it depends on the quality of your emails.

If your emails are quality, relevant and deliver real value to your subscribers, then they won’t hate getting emails from you.

One day a subscriber emailed me saying they loved one of my emails titled, “Would you do business with a stoner?”

Then went on to explain how my emails have been a form of “personal and professional development” for her as she put it.

And guess what? I pitch an offer in every single email.

You see, when you know to send emails in the way I’m about to show you, then you will have people who are being impacted in real ways. Even better, you will make the kind of income that you have been looking for all of this time.

I’ll tell you, if you master what I’m about to show you, then you will find your fortune in your emails. But that’s not the point of this section, we’ll get to that later.

Back to the “daily or not” argument.

Personally, I send emails every single day, about once or twice a week I’ll send two emails in a day.

My current open rate is 49% and Click-rate is 11%, and I make six-figures by selling a course on the backend of every one of my emails.

The same course. Sometimes I link to affiliate offers, but 99% of my emails lead to my Power Pitch course, a course where I show coaches and experts how to get booked on podcasts without a booking agent.

So it’s effective for me, but for one sole reason:

My emails are good. Scratch that, they’re great.

And historically, it’s been shown that companies who email daily have higher conversion rates.

And a study by HubSpot found that companies that send 30 emails per month had the highest open rates (32.4%) and click rates (6.5%) compared to companies who sent less.

Furthermore, another study by Yes Lifecycle Marketing found that companies that sent daily emails had the highest conversion rates, with an average conversion rate of 12.5%, compared to a 9.9% conversion rate for companies that sent emails less frequently.

But let’s not forget, this entirely depends on the quality of your emails.

And if you use what I’m going to show you here, then the quality of your emails will be superb.

In that case, then you should absolutely send daily emails.

People will open every one of your emails even if they know you are going to pitch them something.

Feast your eyes on that.

The Most Important Element To Mastering This Process

I really avoid being a self-help guru. But I’d be doing such a disservice if I didn’t cover this.

You see, my mentor (who taught me this style of emailing), Waju Abraham says giving tips to people is stupid because if they are not in the right frame of mind, the tips mean nothing.

Now I’m not just giving you tips here. I’m giving you the whole damn thing.

But if you are not set in the right frame of mind, this read will only be another form of mental masturbation, which I don’t want to enable.

So let me reveal the most important element of mastering this process.

And that is fully embracing the identity of a “Savage” or “Elite” email marketer.

If this is not done, you will not stick long enough with what I’m going to show you to see results from it. Not only that, but you won’t be effective at this process.

People tell me all of the time, “You’re a killer copywriter. I can’t just come up with daily ideas. I’m not that creative.”

Well guess what? I’m a killer copywriter because I call myself one. I see myself as one. I am one.

I’m not any more creative than you are, I just believe that I’m creative as shit.

You see? I’m creating all of my own perceptions first. I’m embracing the identity of being a badass copywriter, marketer or whatever you want to call it.

I'm someone who wakes up boiling with creativity. You see?

This is the core of how I got great at doing what I do. My personal identity. I created it.

Just like Tony Robbins said:

“Tony Robbins didn’t exist. I constructed Tony Robbins. I created this motherfucker standing here.”

So you have to create bad-assery. Become it inside first.

Don’t try to write killer emails. Just become someone who writes killer emails.

The Anatomy Of A High Converting Email

To kick things off, let’s get an overview of the anatomy of a high converting email. The key elements necessary to turning subscribers into customers.

The Story-Based Subject Line

The first step to making sales from your emails is to get your subscribers to OPEN them. Sounds simple, but if you don't carefully consider what gets people to open emails then you won’t know how to craft winning subject lines.

There are a few things that get people to open emails, but they can all be summed up into one word: Curiosity.

Knowing how to strike the curious chord inside of your readers will set you up for writing successful subject lines. So, we will go deep into how to write good subject lines here soon.

The “Open Loop” Intro

You know that first line or two you see when an email hits your inbox?

Yes, that line. It’s easily the next most important line in your email, and if you bomb it - nobody will open your emails, let alone stay subscribed to your list.

This line should do the same thing as the subject line, strike the curious chord inside of your readers. Make them think, “What’s in this damn thing?”

We’ll go into how to do that soon as well.

The (Story Based) Email Body Copy

If we want people to engage with our emails on a consistent basis, then we cannot do it with bland email copy.

We have to pull on people’s emotions and engage them deeply in our content. How do you do that? Through story-telling.

Stories make everything better. And stories also have this way of helping people “get it” when it comes to illustrating an important lesson.

Just teaching the strategy and tactics falls flat for a lot of people and can be overwhelming, but when you put it in the form of a story it makes it relatable, engaging and easier to understand.

So I will go into how to write powerful story based email body copy.

The Seamless Transition

You can tell stories all day long, but if you want to make money from your stories, you have to tie them into your products and services.

Every one of my emails starts with a story, of which highlights a lesson, and gives them some kind of new insight, new idea, and new belief.

Making them “receptive” to my offer, at which point I do a seamless transition into the sale of my product -- this is how you sell in a way that leaves people appreciating rather than despising your marketing messages.

The Direct Call-To Action

I don’t want to just say develop a “call to action” because some people have the weakest call to actions ever. It’s sad.

Instead I want you to create direct and bold calls to action at the end of your emails. Let them know exactly what to do.

Tell them where to go.

I’ll cover how to create these as well.

And now you know the anatomy of a high-converting email. Let’s go into the nitty gritty of mastering these things.

How To Create Subject Lines That Make Your Prospects Stop Dead In Their Tracks To Open Your Emails No Matter They’re Doing

When it comes to writing to persuade human behavior, I already covered what the key to opening people up to make decisions.

You need to tell stories.

As I alluded to in my article, “What Being A Hypnotist Taught Me About Marketing,” you must get prospects emotional if you want them to make a buying decision.

This is because all decisions stem from the way you see yourself, from your identity.

For example, if you see yourself as a loser, then you will make decisions that align with that and stay home all day playing video games.

On the other hand, if you see yourself as ambitious, then you will make decisions that align with that and wake up and chase your dreams everyday.

It comes down to identity.

And if you want to appeal to one's identity, do it through stories.

When we hear stories, we automatically picture ourselves in them due to the fact that it is happening in OUR mind.

Embed this deeply.

When we hear stories we can’t help but picture ourselves in them.

So when you tell stories, guess what happens?

People identify with them. They relate to them. They connect with them.

If you tie these stories to your product or service then people will identify with them. Relate to them. Connect to them. Buy them.

I tell you all of this to illustrate the foundation of highly compelling subject lines is to tell stories in them.

And yes, you can tell a whole story in a subject line.

For example, as I stated in another article, the shortest world in the story is one we’ve all seen before.

“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

Six words, and it’s a full story. You see?

Here’s 10 more examples of stories that are two sentences or less:

  1. "They all heard the news, and celebrated."

  2. "The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door."

  3. "He smiled, and put on the mask."

  4. "The stars disappeared one by one."

  5. "She danced in the rain, and nobody watched."

  6. "He ran and ran until he couldn't run anymore, but still he couldn't escape his past."

  7. "The trees whispered secrets to each other, but never to us."

  8. "The universe expanded, but I did not."

  9. "The old house creaked and groaned, as if it were alive."

  10. "He reached the top of the mountain, and found only emptiness."

This is how you want to think of subject lines.

Stories. Very short stories.

The beauty of these is that each one of them paints a picture in your mind when you read them. We can see these sentences.

And just how you feel giddy when you picture the person you’re in love with, an emotion will be triggered by the pictures created by these sentences.

That is the power of stories, they trigger emotion. And emotion is what gets people to act, it’s what makes people buy.

When you construct your subject like these, your emails will always stand out and be the most interesting in your prospects inbox.

You’ll be in their mind after that, stored in the subconscious until the right moment.

A Technique For Coming Up With An Infinite Amount Of Highly Converting Subject Lines

Instead of telling you the perfect subject line formula, I’m going to give you a practice that will turn you into a subject line producing machine with no end in sight.

And when you model enough of these headlines the hidden formula would be embedded in your mind to the point where you just do it without thinking of it.

Now, full disclosure, I did not come up with this technique. Nor did my mentor Waju Abraham, the one I learned it from. But my life has never been the same since I’ve learned it, and I’m not exaggerating.

When you hear it you may think it’s silly, but if you just apply it to your marketing emails you will have a smile so big that your cheeks begin to hurt.

What is this “secret” technique? Well, it’s not really a secret. I wrote about this in my article that I dedicated to writing good subject lines, but it seems to be something not a lot of marketers know about.

The technique is reading Cosmopolitan Magazine covers. Yes, the magazine that you see at nearly every grocery check-out aisle.

These headlines are absolutely genius. Captivating. Bold and they make your brain go, “What the heck is this about?”

THAT is the same kind of effect you want to have with your subject lines.

You want your subject lines to disrupt your prospects' current train of thought and force them to stop whatever they’re doing to find out what you’re emailing them about.

For example, my highest opened (and highest converting) email was taken directly from a Cosmopolitan Magazine, with a little twist:

“Why most men still prefer dumb women”

What kind of effect do you think that had on my readers? Do you think it made them stop and stare? Absolutely it did. 73% of my subscribers opened this email, compared to my average of 49%-51%.

I also made over $8,000 from that email with a list of only 328 people. This is the power of story-based subject lines.

Let me go ahead and show you a few headlines I’d come up with if I was still selling high-ticket fitness coaching programs.

Here are a few Cosmopolitan headlines;

  • When your vagina acts weird after sex.

  • Advice to girls over five feet seven.

  • Sex sessions that ended in the ER: you’ll thank God it wasn’t you.

  • Want a new nose? Complete information.

  • Girls who are addicted to sex. Why they can’t stop.

And here are examples of me modeling them for fitness:

  • When your food comes back up after eating it (and how to stop this forever, without medicine)

  • Advice to men 5’7 and over 200 pounds.

  • Diets that actually added MORE weight: Are you using these?

  • Want washboard abs? Complete guide.

  • Girls who are addicted to eating at night. Why they can’t stop.

A simple but oh so powerful method for any email marketer to arm themselves with.

The fire this will set to your emails cannot even be explained. You just have to see for yourself.

Here are 10 of subject lines behind my most opened emails:

  • Why most men still prefer dumb women

  • How being called fat changed my life

  • Would you do business with a stoner?

  • The day I almost drowned to death.

  • Lessons from America’s biggest idiot

  • Getting away with charging 100x more than the competition. My dirty little secret.

  • This man almost shot up a mosque (until this happened)

  • Advice from Mr. Beast on how to grow a YT Channel

  • Want to slap me for $26k?

  • The man who adopted millions of fatherless children

  • The "Dirty Secret" Facebook lives by

  • The Hidden Secret Behind Nike's Success

Let these ideas stir up inspiration and invest time everyday into coming up with 3-5 headlines and keep them stored somewhere. This will be an ever growing asset.

I just use the notes section on my phone. Everytime I get hit with an idea I just write the subject line down on my phone and revisit it later when I need ideas for emails, which I’ll also show you how to do soon.

On a side note, when I need inspiration for subject lines and emails I also go to sites like, and, there is a treasure trove of gold in these places as well.

So, now you know how to write killer subject lines and stand-out like a sore thumb in your prospects email.

Let’s get into the next step, mastering the Open Loop Intro and forcing them to keep reading like you’re pulling on some hidden strings.

How To Force Your Prospects To Open And Read Through Your Entire Email

Now that you have interrupted your prospects' focus and grabbed their attention with your bazaar subject line, how do you make sure they open it and read through it?

Simple, you force them.

Not by grabbing their head and making them read it, but by writing an opening sentence that opens up their brain and makes them want to stick around like the ending of an intense episode of a TV show in the middle of the season.

In fact, let’s think about that. I want you to picture one of your favorite TV shows, and specifically, how those episodes end.

Do they ever end with a “complete” story? No, not even the last episode of the show in many cases. Why?

Because they want to leave you thinking, “What will happen next?”

They know you’ll go mad unless you find out. Meaning, you’ll happily be back next week for the next episode, boosting their ratings and reviews.

This is called the “Open Loop” effect. It happens when your brain can’t come to a conclusion.

When your brain is triggered by a sense of incompleteness or unresolved tension, you feel an innate need to seek closure or resolution.

Essentially, the brain is wired to want to finish what it starts.

In the context of storytelling and marketing, an "Open Loop" is a technique that intentionally creates a sense of tension or curiosity by presenting incomplete information or raising a question, but delaying the answer or resolution.

This creates an emotional hook that keeps the audience engaged and curious, and motivates them to seek closure by continuing to read.

You never want to rush to the point when you open your emails.

Like my mentor Waju says, “Picture your emails as a vehicle of transportation.”

Your job is to get them to the call-to-action. Drive them there word by word.

Start with the opening line, the line that can be previewed through someone's email server.

What you want to do is strike the curious chord inside of your readers within the first line or two. Tease them and leave them hanging.

One of the best examples of this that I’ve ever seen, again shown to me by my mentor Waju, is the opening lines of the book A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way..."


Only one way to find out, keep reading

You want to create this experience with the first couple of lines.

Here are some more examples from my personal emails:

Ex.1) Subject line: The day I almost drowned to death (true story)

If there was ever a time I had a “near death experience”

This was it…

It was a blistering hot summer day and my dad wanted to go kayaking in Town Lake here in Austin, TX.

Never having done kayaking, I decided it’d be fun to try…

(Oh was I wrong 😅)”


Ex.2.) Subject line: 🎙 2023: The year podcasting died

Layoffs, podcasts being canceled, budgets slashed.

It’s a crazy time we live in.”


Ex.3) Subject Line: Want to slap me for $26k?

It sounded so good and like it would change my life.

I thought it was the wisest decision I could make.

But I couldn’t have missed the target more.


Ex.4) Subject Line: A mindset “hack” that can make you millions

And no, it’s not freezing your ass off in a cold plunge…

Or repeating stupid affirmations like a sissy.

Let me break this hack down to you in the best way I know how…

Through a story…”

You see how it’s done?

Don’t get straight to the point. Lead them on. Leave them hanging.

Be like a good script writer, and open the loop in their brains the moment they read the first few words of your emails.

How To Write Story-Based Body Copy That Makes Your Readers Throw Their Money At You

Now you know how to write dangerously intriguing subject lines and powerfully hypnotic introductions.

Let’s focus on writing highly persuasive story-based email body copy.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’m going to beat the story drum some more.

You can make some sales here and there with surface level marketing that's written by ChatGPT.

But if you want to really amp up your sales, stories are the way to go.

Yes, I’m beating the same drum, but stories are the gateway to people’s emotional triggers. You can arouse every emotion under the sun by telling stories to your audience.

I’ve been doing it this whole time. You want to do this in your emails.

Here’s the thing. You can have the same exact product as someone else, but if you tell stories you will automatically seem different.

Imagine you were looking for a fitness coach. And you came across one website that had a small “about” section and information on her services.

Then you came across one with a video on her page, one where the coach starts out with a scene of someone struggling to button their pants and telling themselves they hate themselves.

And go on sharing their story behind their struggles, highlighting all the same emotions you’re feeling: ashamed, insecure and angry. Then taking you through how they lost the weight and how that led them to creating their program to help others who are struggling do the same.

Which one is going to win your dollars? It’ll be the one who told the story and connected at an emotional level. When you do tell original stories you become a one-of-one and pave your own lane.

The story-telling theme sticks around throughout the entire email. But what kind of stories do you write about?

The answer: Anything and nothing.

Really, you don’t need to talk about much. Just tell a story and tie it into your product.

Unlike an automated email sequence that follows a certain story-line or order, daily emails don’t need to follow a sequence.

Everyday you can try new subject lines, intros, stories and calls to action to sell the SAME offer.

As long as your stories vary and give value, your marketing will always feel “new” and interesting.

But how do you come up with so many stories? And how do you guarantee they are valuable?

How To Come Up With Stories For Emails Everyday

As I’ve stated before at the start of this article, it’s not so much about HOW you do something as it is more about WHO you see yourself as.

If you see yourself as an uncreative lump of meat, then you’ll never give yourself the chance to actually be creative.

You just have to believe that you’re creative and then act like it by working your creative muscles every single day.

It’s really no more complicated than that. You have to put the reps in. I’ve written an email (or more) every single day for the last year, and before that I wrote Facebook posts everyday.

Before that I wrote spiritual essays everyday. Thousands of hours of mine have been spent writing.

I mention that because it highlights the reality of getting good at story-telling. Do it every fucking day. That’s the big hack.

The way you need to think about story-telling in the context of selling, is to think of “beliefs” and “lessons” you need your audience to learn and adopt.

“What beliefs does my prospect have that I need to break? What beliefs do I need to install in them? What lessons or epiphanies would they need to learn to win with my product?”

And then think of stories that highlight those things.

For example, if I want somebody to buy my course that shows them how to get booked on podcasts, I first need them to believe that borrowing other people’s audiences is a smart way to market a business.

In order for me to install that belief, I need to get them emotional before I reveal it, so I come up with a story.

Like how I lost everything after making over $400k and had to move back in with my moms, shameful, embarrassed and angry because my marketing efforts just stopped working. The old social media stuff.

At which point I got invited to speak to a group of entrepreneurs at an online event and made over $15,000 from the talk and had the realization that “marketing to other people’s audiences in my niche is way better than sending cold DM’s and making Facebook posts all day.”

That story can connect with them and make the belief “land” for them, turning them into a prime buyer for my course. You see how this works?

Here is an example of an email I wrote to install the belief that story-telling is the best thing to use for marketing, and you’ll see how I related that to my product. Subject Line: How one man took Schlitz beer from 8th to 1st in America

In the early 1900’s Schlitz beer was in trouble.

Sales were down and they were losing market share, even though they were ranked #8 in America.

In search of a solution they decided to hire Claude Hopkins, a name that was already becoming legendary in advertising, to write their next campaign.

Hopkins, knowing it was important to differentiate their messaging, decided to look at how all other brewing companies advertised.

He quickly saw that they all advertised the same way - yelling about how “pure” their beer was.

Everything about their marketing was around the idea of how “pure” their beer was without actually explaining what it actually meant.

So with that in mind Hopkins asked to go on a tour of the brewery so he could get a better understanding about the product.

As Hopkins toured the Schlitz brewery, he was awed by what he saw.

In plate-glass rooms, beer dripped over pipes in filtered air, ensuring purity.

Huge expensive filters filled with white-wood pulp provided a superior filtering process, and pumps and pipes were cleaned twice daily.

Bottles were sterilized not once, not twice, but four times before being filled with beer.

And the water was sourced from 4,000-foot deep artesian wells, providing the cleanest and purest water available, despite being next to Lake Michigan.

In the laboratory, Hopkins was shown the mother yeast cell, a product of 1,200 experiments to bring out the robust flavor.

He learned that all the yeast used in making Schlitz beer was developed from that original yeast cell.

Overwhelmed by its beauty, Hopkins asked the Schlitz team why they weren't telling the public about their meticulous and extraordinary brewing process.

The response was, "All companies brew their beer about the same way."

In other words, they felt it was a “boring” story to tell because it wasn’t “special.”

However Hopkins saw an opportunity and went on to create an advertising campaign based on the brewing process.

He knew that the first company to tell the public about their brewing process, or the first to tell the story about how beer was made would gain a big advantage.

And so, he told the story that every brewery could have told, but didn't.

Within six months, Schlitz became the number one selling beer in America.


Because it didn't just tell customers what Schlitz's product was; it showed them why it was special.

Through storytelling, Hopkins was able to capture the minds of his audience and tap into their emotions.

He told the story of how beer was made.

This is why stories are the most powerful things you can use in marketing.

Because stories captivate the minds of audiences and push their emotional buttons.

And you don’t have to create some amazing story either.

All you have to do is simply tell your story.

Schlitz beer didn’t make up this phenomenal story.

They simply told the story about how their beer was made, which captivated beer drinkers all over the world.

This is because all stories are interesting, but not that not all stories are told.

So when you tell your story, you will automatically become interesting.

This is why I love podcast guesting.

It allows you to differentiate yourself by being seen as an authority in your niche and having the opportunity to tell your story and client stories to numerous audiences.

When you share these stories, people are influenced to follow you more easily.

I got a 5-figure client on Monday and she told me that when she heard the stories Nicki and I told during a summit she decided to follow us.

And there she was, buying from us.

This is the power of telling stories.

And podcast guesting is the perfect way to do it more frequently in front of audiences that are full of your ideal buyers.

It’s a unique marketing strategy to add to your expert based business and many of my clients are doing this right now to get booked on top shows in their niche.

In fact, my student Chase just texted me saying she just booked a .5% podcast and have already landed 11 of the first 22 pitches she sent.

How does she land those podcasts?

Through story-telling.

She follows a 3-step-storytelling framework that has gotten me booked on over 60 podcasts now.

I break all of this down in my Power Pitch course.

It’ll show you how to use the power of storytelling to not only get booked on top podcasts in your niche, but also to turn each interview you do into an evergreen marketing funnel that converts.

But don’t click it if you’re too scared to tell your story.


You see how it’s done? You tell a story that ties to your product.

And you can even tell a story about the most mundane thing in your day and tie it your product too, it doesn’t have to be some researched story like the one I just showed you.

Here’s an example an email I wrote after a trip to the grocery store:

“Subject Line: How Bang energy drinks can make you $$$ OK..OK..I know Bang energy drinks aren’t good for you…

But damn…they sure do taste good.

And if you pay attention to how they sell their stuff, you can learn something and make a lot of money

Allow me to share a personal experience that illustrates this point.

Yesterday I had to go to the grocery store to grab three things:

1. Egg whites

2. Kodiak pancakes

3. Whip cream (to go with the pancakes)

And as I made my way through the first aisle to get to the egg whites I passed by a fridge full of Bang energy drinks.

Feeling a bit tired..I decided to grab one.

Now, you may be wondering why this is worth sharing in an email.

Because it teaches you a powerful principle that could make your business very profitable.

Let me break it down:

1. I went into the store with no intention of buying a Bang energy drink.

2. However, as I was feeling tired and in need of energy, I saw the drinks in the fridge and decided to purchase one.

3. The key here is that Bang used the traffic of the grocery store to find customers who were in need, whether they knew it or not.

The only reason they ended up getting my business was because I was going to the grocery store already to fulfill my needs with other things.

Being in need, at the right time I saw Bang energy drinks.

Also in a buying mood, I grabbed the drink.

The most important factor in this is the fact that Bang energy drink used the traffic of the grocery store to find customers who were in need -- whether they were aware of it or not.

This is why I spent 2022 getting booked on podcasts to grow my hypnotherapy business.

I knew that my audience (entrepreneurs) were already into personal development, so that meant they were into podcasts.

Like the grocery store, the podcasts have gathered the traffic.

Now all I had to do was position myself in front of that traffic (like Bang did)

So I got booked on the podcasts my audience was listening to.

And the listeners who were in need (whether they were aware of it or not) would see that my offer can meet their needs.

Guess what?

It worked.

I made over $200,000 from podcast guesting in 2022.

Like Bang leverages traffic from the grocery stores, I leverage traffic from podcasts.

Want to learn how to do the same thing for yourself so you can grow your brand and business?

Tap here to see how the Power Pitch Program can help you do just that.


There are stories everywhere. And like most things in life, you’ll find it by looking for it.

So be on the lookout for stories every day. Wake up and ask, “Where is my story today?” and let your brain do its job by seeking an answer, or closing a loop.

If you want more examples of story-based emails, I put together a downloadable PDF for you to study, it contains 15 of my best marketing emails to date.

Click below to download the free PDF to see 15 of my highest converting emails (#14 is my personal favorite, you'll see why.)

15 Of My Highest Converting Emails
Download PDF • 2.74MB

Now how do you make your emails valuable?

I already mentioned it, but sprinkle insights and epiphanies into the emails. This itself adds value in a way that connects.

Here’s an example of me giving my subscribers a value bomb through an email, and of course you’ll see how I tie it to the sale of my product. Subject Line: The Rockefellers: Grimey, Rich And Smart As Hell

You miss this, and I promise you will burn out sooner or later…

or worse…

Lose your entire business.

A few nights ago I watched a documentary about the Rockefellers on Youtube.

One of the things that caught my eye was the obsession with control John D. Rockefeller showed.

He and his son made it a point to control everything in their biz..

Their big bahema biz was The Standard Oil Company…

But they also owned real estate their businesses sat on, newspapers that millions read, pharmaceutical companies, steel mills and the railroad companies that transported his oil.

They wanted to control it all.

And oh boy…did they have the world in their grips because of it.

Poppa John was cut-throat. I get it.

But this highlights an important element of running a successful enterprise.

If you don’t do this, you will crash and burn someday.

Control your business by controlling your opportunity.

For example..

Let’s say you have 100k+ followers on all your social media platforms.

Heck, imagine you had a podcast with hundreds of thousands of listeners a month to go with it.

Now let’s say something happened and your account gets removed for no reason on one or more of these accounts…

Or the social media platform themselves shut down.

What happens then?

ALL of your deal flow….

ALL of your opportunities for new clients….

Just wiped out.

You’re FUCKED. Point blank period.

Back to square one.


You could have been smart and spent all of that time building an email list.

And guess what?

Nobody can take it away from you.

You OWN that data.

Andrew Tate didn’t lose a dime when he got banned on all social media.

He had an email list with millions of fans and buyers….

You think he had trouble selling them shit? Hell no.

This is the power of building a list that you OWN.

Or like the Rockerfellers would say…

A list that you CONTROL.

If You’re Not Building An Email List, Your Renting Your Business

Social media is rented land.

You do not own that real estate.

But an email list?

You own it.

And when you have an email list of fans and buyers…

You can sell them more stuff and get them to grow your brand through sharing your links to join.

It’s stupid to not have an email list. Period.

So let this be a reminder…

Build one.


PS: Are you a coach, consultant or expert based business owner? If so, podcast guesting is a POWERFUL way to build your email list. Click here to see how.”

In that email I taught an extremely valuable lesson: Build an email list.

I then mentioned how my course could help them build a list by simply mentioning it in the PS. Nothing too crazy. And this converted very well for me.

Make a list of lessons, value bombs, and epiphanies you can share with your audience and then find the stories behind each one.

How To Smoothly Transition To The Sell Of Your Product In Every Email

As I’ve stated before, if you write great stories that’s cool. But if you want to make money from those stories, then you need to transition those stories and tie them into the sale of your product.

This is the part of the email where you break away from the content of the story and go into the “pitching” part of your email and make your offer.

You want it to be seamless and relevant to the story, because if it isn’t it will just turn readers off.

This is also how you make it valuable.

I did this in the emails I shared above, so I’m going to use those as examples.

I am simply going to underline the transition section of the email like this so you can clearly see where and how it happens in every email.

Transition Example #1 Subject Line: The Rockefellers: Grimey, Rich And Smart As Hell

….And oh boy…did they have the world in their grips because of it.

Poppa John was cut-throat. I get it.

But this highlights an important element of running a successful enterprise.

If you don’t do this, you will crash and burn someday.

Control your business by controlling your opportunity.

For example..

Let’s say you have 100k+ followers on all your social media platforms.

Heck, imagine you had a podcast with hundreds of thousands of listeners a month to go with it.

Now let’s say something happened and your account gets removed for no reason on one or more of these accounts…

Or the social media platform themselves shut down.

What happens then?

ALL of your deal flow….

ALL of your opportunities for new clients….

Just wiped out.

You’re FUCKED. Point blank period.

Back to square one.


You could have been smart and spent all of that time building an email list.

And guess what?

Nobody can take it away from you.

You OWN that data…”

**You can see how I left the content, The Rockefellers, but highlighted the lesson, and then I mentioned my product at the end of that email**

“....Andrew Tate didn’t lose a dime when he got banned on all social media.

He had an email list with millions of fans and buyers….

You think he had trouble selling them shit? Hell no.

This is the power of building a list that you OWN.

Or like the Rockerfellers would say…

A list that you CONTROL.

If You’re Not Building An Email List, Your Renting Your Business

Social media is rented land.

You do not own that real estate.

But an email list?

You own it.

And when you have an email list of fans and buyers…

You can sell them more stuff and get them to grow your brand through sharing your links to join.

It’s stupid to not have an email list. Period.

So let this be a reminder…

Build one.


PS: Are you a coach, consultant or expert based business owner? If so, podcast guesting is a POWERFUL way to build your email list. Click here to see how."

Transition Example #2

"Subject Line: How Bang energy drinks can make you $$$ OK..OK..I know Bang energy drinks aren’t good for you…

But damn…they sure do taste good.

And if you pay attention to how they sell their stuff, you can learn something and make a lot of money

Allow me to share a personal experience that illustrates this point.

Yesterday I had to go to the grocery store to grab three things:

1. Egg whites

2. Kodiak pancakes

3. Whip cream (to go with the pancakes)

And as I made my way through the first aisle to get to the egg whites I passed by a fridge full of Bang energy drinks.

Feeling a bit tired..I decided to grab one.

Now, you may be wondering why this is worth sharing in an email.

Because it teaches you a powerful principle that could make your business very profitable.

Let me break it down:

1. I went into the store with no intention of buying a Bang energy drink.

2. However, as I was feeling tired and in need of energy, I saw the drinks in the fridge and decided to purchase one.

3. The key here is that Bang used the traffic of the grocery store to find customers who were in need, whether they knew it or not.

The only reason they ended up getting my business was because I was going to the grocery store already to fulfill my needs with other things.

Being in need, at the right time I saw Bang energy drinks.

Also in a buying mood, I grabbed the drink.

The most important factor in this is the fact that Bang energy drink used the traffic of the grocery store to find customers who were in need -- whether they were aware of it or not."

**I transitioned by simply saying “Now, you may be wondering why this is worth sharing in an email,” and then I highlighted the lesson, and then I mentioned my product at the end of that email** “...This is why I spent 2022 getting booked on podcasts to grow my hypnotherapy business.

I knew that my audience (entrepreneurs) were already into personal development, so that meant they were into podcasts.

Like the grocery store, the podcasts have gathered the traffic.

Now all I had to do was position myself in front of that traffic (like Bang did)

So I got booked on the podcasts my audience was listening to.

And the listeners who were in need (whether they were aware of it or not) would see that my offer can meet their needs.

Guess what?

It worked.

I made over $200,000 from podcast guesting in 2022.

Like Bang leverages traffic from the grocery stores, I leverage traffic from podcasts.

Want to learn how to do the same thing for yourself so you can grow your brand and business?

Tap here to see how the Power Pitch Program can help you do just that.”

Transition Example #3

Subject Line: How one man took Schlitz beer from 8th to 1st in America

In the early 1900’s Schlitz beer was in trouble.

Sales were down and they were losing market share, even though they were ranked #8 in America.

In search of a solution they decided to hire Claude Hopkins, a name that was already becoming legendary in advertising, to write their next campaign.

Hopkins, knowing it was important to differentiate their messaging, decided to look at how all other brewing companies advertised.

He quickly saw that they all advertised the same way - yelling about how “pure” their beer was.

Everything about their marketing was around the idea of how “pure” their beer was without actually explaining what it actually meant.

So with that in mind Hopkins asked to go on a tour of the brewery so he could get a better understanding about the product.

As Hopkins toured the Schlitz brewery, he was awed by what he saw.

In plate-glass rooms, beer dripped over pipes in filtered air, ensuring purity.

Huge expensive filters filled with white-wood pulp provided a superior filtering process, and pumps and pipes were cleaned twice daily.

Bottles were sterilized not once, not twice, but four times before being filled with beer.

And the water was sourced from 4,000-foot deep artesian wells, providing the cleanest and purest water available, despite being next to Lake Michigan.

In the laboratory, Hopkins was shown the mother yeast cell, a product of 1,200 experiments to bring out the robust flavor.

He learned that all the yeast used in making Schlitz beer was developed from that original yeast cell.

Overwhelmed by its beauty, Hopkins asked the Schlitz team why they weren't telling the public about their meticulous and extraordinary brewing process.

The response was, "All companies brew their beer about the same way."

In other words, they felt it was a “boring” story to tell because it wasn’t “special.”

However Hopkins saw an opportunity and went on to create an advertising campaign based on the brewing process.

He knew that the first company to tell the public about their brewing process, or the first to tell the story about how beer was made would gain a big advantage.

And so, he told the story that every brewery could have told, but didn't.

Within six months, Schlitz became the number one selling beer in America.


Because it didn't just tell customers what Schlitz's product was; it showed them why it was special.

Through storytelling, Hopkins was able to capture the minds of his audience and tap into their emotions.

He told the story of how beer was made.

This is why stories are the most powerful things you can use in marketing.

Because stories captivate the minds of audiences and push their emotional buttons.

And you don’t have to create some amazing story either.

All you have to do is simply tell your story.

Schlitz beer didn’t make up this phenomenal story.

They simply told the story about how their beer was made, which captivated beer drinkers all over the world.

This is because all stories are interesting, but not that not all stories are told.

So when you tell your story, you will automatically become interesting…”

***I transitioned by saying a statement, stories are the most powerful things you can use in marketing, and then I went into the sale of my product.***

“...This is why I love podcast guesting.

It allows you to differentiate yourself by being seen as an authority in your niche and having the opportunity to tell your story and client stories to numerous audiences.

When you share these stories, people are influenced to follow you more easily.

I got a 5-figure client on Monday and she told me that when she heard the stories Nicki and I told during a summit she decided to follow us.

And there she was, buying from us.

This is the power of telling stories.

And podcast guesting is the perfect way to do it more frequently in front of audiences that are full of your ideal buyers.

It’s a unique marketing strategy to add to your expert based business and many of my clients are doing this right now to get booked on top shows in their niche.

In fact, my student Chase just texted me saying she just booked a .5% podcast and have already landed 11 of the first 22 pitches she sent.

How does she land those podcasts?

Through story-telling.

She follows a 3-step-storytelling framework that has gotten me booked on over 60 podcasts now.

I break all of this down in my Power Pitch course.

It’ll show you how to use the power of storytelling to not only get booked on top podcasts in your niche, but also to turn each interview you do into an evergreen marketing funnel that converts.

But don’t click it if you’re too scared to tell your story.


You see?

It’s a smooth and seamless transition that is relevant with the email.

How To Get Money Out Of Every Email With A Direct Call To Action

You’ve captured their attention with a killer subject line.

You’ve got them to open your email and read every word.

You got them emotionally connected with your product…

Now, it’s time to turn that reader into a customer.

How do you do that?

With a simple and direct call-to-action. You HAVE to tell your audience what to do next, guide them, that is what you are there for.

Don’t leave your emails up to chance, tell them where to go next by telling them to click a certain link and follow a particular set of instructions that will help them.

At the end of every single email you need to make a direct call to action.

Yes, every single email. Even when you aren’t pitching a product, you always want them to do something.

Whether that’s checking out a podcast episode, a book, reading an article, or replying back.

Or of course, sending them to a sales page or direct payment link.

As you can see on my emails, at the end of every one I send them to my the same link, my course sales page. Again, it doesn’t matter if you are marketing the same product all year. Not a single bit.

If you write your emails in the way I am explaining here then your readers won’t get turned off by them, and the right story will get them to convert.

Here are some clear examples of how a clear and direct call-to-action.

  • “If you’re ready to (achieve xyz) and stop (dealing with pain), then click here and enroll right now: (link)”

  • “If you want to discover how to do the same thing then stop what you’re doing right now, click here, put your info in and join me inside of the ___.”

  • “Now, if this email called out to you, and you know it’s time for you to (accomplish xyz) once and for all, then join me: (link)”

You can also use the PS section to leave your CTA’s behind.

  • P.S. If you haven't already, click the link below to register for my upcoming webinar and learn how to take your business to the next level.”

  • P.S. Don't forget to take advantage of my limited-time offer and get 20% off your purchase with the code SAVE20 at checkout.

  • P.S. Have you checked out our latest blog post on the top 10 tips for improving your productivity? Click here to read it now.

  • P.S. We're hosting a networking event next week and would love to see you there! RSVP now to reserve your spot.

  • P.S. Our team is always here to answer any questions you have. Reply to this email or give us a call at [phone number] to get in touch.

You can use the PS to sum up the email as well while throwing in the call-to-action.

For example,

  • “PS: Don't underestimate the power of your story. It's what makes you unique and sets you apart from your competitors.

Sharing your story through podcast guesting can help you connect with your ideal audience and grow your business.

So, take advantage of this limited-time offer and join my Power Pitch Program today to start sharing your story and reaching new heights in your business.”

  • P.S. You might be thinking, "this all sounds great, but where do I even start with finding these joint venture partners?"

Don't worry, I got you covered.

In my article I share all the tips and tricks on how to find potential partners and even provide a script on how to pitch the idea to them.

Trust me, it's easier than you think and the results are worth it.

So, if you're ready to take your business to the next level without breaking the bank on paid ads, tap here to read (or listen) my article and start exploring the power of joint ventures today.

Or you can use them to add in a benefit, bonus or discount and then link to call-to-action.

  • “PS: Before I forget, I’m taking $200 off The Power Pitch Program. But hurry, the discount ends in 24 hours. Click here to enroll.

  • P.S. Oh and I forgot to mention, but I’m throwing in a bonus that shows you how to convert all the subscribers in your inbox into high paying customers. I’m removing the bonus at midnight, so click here to get it now.

Although I don’t drop a PS on every email I send, it is highly recommended and doing so will increase the clicks and ultimately the conversions you get on the backend.

According to a study by Constant Contact, emails with PS have a 17% higher click-through rate than those without one.

Another study done by Marketo found that including a PS in an email can boost click-through rates by 8%. Furthermore, Copyblogger stated that 79% of people read the PS section of an email first, before reading the rest of the message.

So dropping a PS in your emails, along with a CTA is better than not doing so.

In Conclusion

Email marketing is one of the most powerful marketing channels available to every business out there, and it has historically out-performed other channels in terms of reach, engagement and conversions.

Using the framework and techniques I revealed in today’s article will surely generate more revenue out of your email marketing efforts, especially those of who commit to being an elite, or “savage” email marketer.

This skill does not come by chance. This skill comes by many, and I mean many reps.

Spend at least one hour a day dedicated to writing marketing emails.

Subscribe to your favorite email marketers lists and study how they do it.

The two I recommend to study more than anything else are Waju Abraham and Ben Settle. These two are the ones I study everyday like a homework assignment.

If you dedicate a full year to executing emails like this, I promise you will have a skill that will generate you a healthy income for the rest of your life, no matter the state of the economy.

Knowing how to write to influence human behavior is the most valuable skill anyone can possess.

Will you be one of the few?

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