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Writer's pictureAdrian Moreno

I’m Going To Build A 6-7 Figure Business In The Next 12 Months With $0, Here’s How.

The game plan. Step by step.

I’m starting a new business, and I will be earning 6 to 7 figures in personal income from it in the next 12 months…with $0 in starting capital.

And in this article, I am going to share with you exactly what I’m doing today to make that a reality.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, a new one, or maybe you haven’t started — there will be something in here for you to learn from.

Just know, however, I am not seeking to give advice.

I am seeking to share my experience and tell a story that I can look back on, and sure, I desire this to support somebody on their own journeys.

But I am not, I repeat, I am not here to give you advice.

Sound good?

Cool, let’s get into it.

The Business I’m Starting

I’m starting a company where I show coaches, experts, and authors how to fill up their pipeline with highly qualified leads by getting booked on 4+ podcasts a week — without paying a dime in PR or silly guest fees.

That’s it.


But the offer goes a bit more in-depth than that, I’ll cover this more shortly.

How I Came Up With The Idea

I currently run a business where my partner and I use hypnosis and NLP to help entrepreneurs overcome fears, phobias, and doubts that are hindering their success.

We grew that company through guesting on top podcasts in the business space — and I decided to write an article on how I did it (you can read the article here).

The article got a phenomenal response.

Within 24 hours it was read thousands of times and shared on two other publications, and my Facebook inbox was flooded with messages.

One of my friends said, “This was one of those articles that felt illegal to read because of everything you shared.”

Another said, “I felt like I just read a $3000 course.”

It was at this point that the opportunistic part of my mind jumped.

“I got something,” I thought to myself.

I sat down and began thinking.

“Clearly, people want this and it’s needed.”

Not just because I thought this, but rather because I saw this.

I based my entire decision on the behavior of the people who responded to that article.

Behavior told me this was needed, so I decided to turn this into a course that you had to purchase to get access to.

But before I fully went in, I decided to do one more test.

I made a post saying this:

“If I ran a workshop that showed you how I get booked on top-ranking shows every single week…

-And do it with a single cold pitch

-Without paying for PR or guest fees

-And turn each interview into an evergreen sales funnel -That brings in dream clients that already KNOW, LIKE & TRUST me.

For Only $47

And GUARANTEED that you’ll get 5 books in the first 30 days using the process or I’ll refund you and you get to keep the recording….

Would you take me up on that offer? Leave a comment below if so.”

I got over 20 responses, which was enough for me to run the workshop.

I then began messaging all of the people who first engaged with my article and let them know I was running a workshop on it and wanted to see if they were interested.

I made another 20 or so sales doing this.

Again, enough for me to pull the trigger and run the workshop.

I then ran the workshop live, got feedback, and refined the course based on the feedback.

At this point, I had a full course (that was less than 90 minutes long) where I showed people like coaches, course creators, authors, therapists, and other experts how to fill up their pipeline by booking 4+ podcasts a week in their niche.

But this offer wasn’t “juicy” enough for me.

So I had to juice it up.

How I Juiced Up The Idea

Realizing there were other people in this space who were doing what I did (getting people booked on podcasts) I decided to make myself stand out.

So I asked myself this question…

  1. “What is my customer naturally going to buy with or after they purchase this to reach their end goal of getting more clients?”

Here were my answers.

  • Business mentors/coaches/masterminds (To learn how to run a business if they don’t know how to already.)

  • Copywriting books/coaches/courses (To learn how to write good copy for the leads they get)

  • Email marketing coaches/books/courses (To learn how to write a good email sequence to convert their leads)

  • Sales coaches/books/courses (To learn how to close their leads over the phone/zoom)

  • A new team member (to do the process I was going to show them)

I then asked myself, “How can I incorporate these into my offer?”

I immediately thought of a friend of my business partners, Adil Amarsi.

Adil is one of the best copywriters I’ve ever come across, and he has the track record to prove it.

He has sold over 9 figures with the power of his copy.

I remember I went through a course of his where he taught me how to write killer welcome email sequences to convert leads who enter your list.

I was helping people fill up their list with my offer, but filling up those leads without a single way to follow up with them through an email sequence is like buying a car with no gas in it.

It won’t *vroom-vroom* — so I put my solution hat on.

So I contacted Adil and asked him if I could incorporate his course into my offer, and cut him a certain percentage of each sale that comes through.

This means I took the marketing, fulfillment, and selling off of his hands but still offered to grow his brand and make evergreen cash without having to lift a finger.

Irresistible, huh?

Within a few days, the deal was inked.

I then went to my good friend Aleasha Bahr — a leading sales coach who is known to help people close up to 80% of their leads on average.

I know she had a course that taught her frameworks, so I asked her if I could incorporate her course into this and like I did with Adil, give her a certain percentage of each sale.

The only problem was that her course was a few thousand, and I wasn’t going to pay her that or add a few thousand to my offer price, so I just negotiated a lower price point.

I told her to cut me a deal and give it to me for $140 — but she can count on tons of new leads coming into her world through this partnership, so that was the real advantage for her, I made sure I emphasized it.

After one call we inked the deal.

Now I didn’t just have a course that taught coaches and experts how to fill up their pipeline through podcast guesting — but as a BONUS I was going to let them learn from a 9 figure copywriter how to write email sequences so good that people can’t help but buy or book a call.

Then I showed them how to convert those calls into real dollars by mastering the art of sales through Aleasha’s course.

This turns me into a one-of-one.

You can’t compare me to just anybody else who helps people get booked on podcasts.

This also gave me the luxury of having their list to promote this too.

How I’m Selling This Offer

Now that you know how I came up with the idea and turned the heat up on it, let me share with you the process I’m using to sell this thing.

First — of course — I’m walking the walk and growing it through guesting on marketing and sales podcasts — ones my dream buyer is listening to already.

I’m then approaching each of these interviews in a way that makes a certain percentage of listeners enter the top of my funnel or my “email list.”

Aside from that, here’s the second approach I’m taking to sell this.

I first asked the question:

“What does my customer purchase before they buy this?”

Here were my answers:

  • Certifications (Coaching, NLP, hypnotherapy, marketing, etc.)

  • Business masterminds

  • Marketing/sales courses

  • Courses/programs on how to build courses.

  • Marketing books

  • Sales books

  • Accountants

  • Publishing coaches/services

  • Book writing coaches

  • Sales coaches

  • Sales agencies

  • Marketing/CRM software

I then asked myself, “How can I form partnerships with these companies to leverage their buyers, while also supporting them?”

And I thought if I could just show them how my offer could help their customers achieve the ultimate goal they all helped their clients achieve — a successful business — then I could influence them to do a deal with me.

So I made a huge list of different companies in these spaces and began sending them emails like this:

And sure enough, the responses started coming in:

How I’m Leveraging These Partnerships

Now don’t get it twisted, I’m not “taking” from these partners.

If you read each email I sent you’ll see that I am offering an opportunity for them to make more money AND add to the quality of their clients' lives.

It is truly a win, win, win with literally no downside and an astronomical upside.

If you want to make partners help you grow, you must lead with value from the start.

With that said, let me explain how I’m turning these relationships into opportunities.

First, I am letting each of them test the course themselves, and if they get 5 bookings in 30 days then we go on with the partnership.

Once the “5 in 30” test is passed and they have personal validation that it works, we then work out how to collaborate.

These are the 6 main ways the partnerships end up going

  1. They incorporate my offer into theirs and structure it as a “bonus” as I did with the copywriting and sales course I incorporated into my offer, giving me a certain percentage of every sale they make. So as they grow, so do I.

  2. They add it on the backend of their offer as an up-sell, and they keep 50% of the profits.

  3. They sell it to their clients after they graduated from their programs. For example, a company that certifies hypnotherapists will offer this to their graduates. “Now that you’re certified, here’s how to market.”

  4. They promote it to their email list of buyers, both people who have bought or haven’t bought their course services — and I give them 50% of the sales.

  5. They send me all of their leads and I cut 50% of each sale I make to the leads I got from them.

  6. They offer it as a “supplement” to their service to every customer who buys their core offer.

And that is how I’m turning these relationships into “win, win, win” partnerships.

Currently, I have 9 different partners who will be collaborating with me in the above ways.

I’m still really fresh into this.

But they combined give me a list of over 200,000 people to put this offer in front of.

If even 1% of that list buys that’ll bring in over $1.1M in sales.

And the best part?

I figured out a way to turn all of these customers into repeat monthly buyers without having to create an offer myself.

How I’m Creating MRR Without A Subscription Service

I’m not a fool now.

I don’t only bet on the one-time sale.

As a huge fan of Jay Abraham, I’m clear that LTV is what I’m after, and repeat sales will make my business healthy, not just successful for a season.

I gave myself a constraint though.

“How can I create MRR without creating a subscription offer?”

Turns out that part of my Power Pitch process that I use to get booked on shows is a software called Podmatch.

Podmatch is a platform where top shows come to find top guests, and top guests come to get booked on top shows.

Their revenue model is simple — a monthly fee to have access to it.

I thought, “If I required my customers to buy Podmatch already because it’s how I get landed on shows, why not just have them buy through an affiliate link?”

This turns each customer from a one-time buyer to a repeat buyer and gives me $10/month for every single person who enrolls in my course.

So I am making sure every student gets Podmatch, not just because I make some money from it, but rather because it’s the #1 way to find top shows — and it just so happens to pay me $10/mo. for the referral.

This is how I am growing my MRR, which is currently around $500 at the time of this post.

I will also be finding other offers that are good for my clients, and I’ll be sure to affiliate with them. Especially the ones with MRR.

To Wrap This All Up

And there you go.

There is the strategy that I am currently executing to build a business that personally nets me 6 to 7 figures in the next 12 months…with $0 to start.

I’ll be documenting the entire journey as well. Sharing what’s working, what’s not, and what new things I’m doing to drive traffic, sales, and conversions.

Be sure you follow me here and on my Facebook to keep up with how this goes.

See ya soon.

And please share this if you found it helpful.


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